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Bridge returned error 404! (19751)

Application Error

The application could not run because of the following error:


Type: HttpException Code: 404 Message: https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UCDz9ZKswzPt3r9S_gErWcag resulted in `404 Not Found` File: lib/contents.php Line: 194


#0 index.php(7): RssBridge->main() #1 lib/RssBridge.php(15): RssBridge->run() #2 lib/RssBridge.php(88): DisplayAction->execute() #3 actions/DisplayAction.php(133): YoutubeBridge->collectData() #4 bridges/YoutubeBridge.php(338): YoutubeBridge->ytGetSimpleHTMLDOM() #5 bridges/YoutubeBridge.php(219): getSimpleHTMLDOM() #6 lib/contents.php(370): getContents() #7 lib/contents.php(194)


Query: action=display&bridge=Youtube&c=UCDz9ZKswzPt3r9S_gErWcag&duration_min=&duration_max=&format=Mrss Version: dev.2022-06-14 (git.master.ed36c8c) OS: Linux PHP: 8.1.7 Go back


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[xfgiven_image] [/xfgiven_image] [xfnotgiven_image] [/xfnotgiven_image]

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Bridge returned error 0! (20103)

Application Error The application could not run because of the following error: Details Type: Error Code: 0 Message: Call to a member function getAttribute() on null File: bridges/VkBridge.php Line:

[xfgiven_image] [/xfgiven_image] [xfnotgiven_image] [/xfnotgiven_image]

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[xfgiven_image] [/xfgiven_image] [xfnotgiven_image] [/xfnotgiven_image]

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Bridge returned error 0! (20102)

Application Error The application could not run because of the following error: Details Type: Error Code: 0 Message: Call to a member function getAttribute() on null File: bridges/VkBridge.php Line:

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Application Error The application could not run because of the following error: Details Type: HttpException Code: 502 Message: resulted in 502 Bad Gateway File: lib/contents.php Line: 194 Trace #0

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Bridge returned error 404! (19116)

- YouTube was unable to receive or process theremote website's content! Error message: The requested resource cannot be found! Please make sure your input parameters are correct! cUrl error: (0) PHP

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Bridge returned error 404! (19117)

- YouTube was unable to receive or process theremote website's content! Error message: The requested resource cannot be found! Please make sure your input parameters are correct! cUrl error: (0) PHP


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